Rosedale Ranch Improvement District

The Rosedale Ranch Improvement District (RRID) is adjacent to North Kern with most of the Improvement District’s 9,500 acres located south of Seventh Standard Road (about 2,100 acres are located north of Seventh Standard Road west of the boundary of the original District). The area included within RRID was developed to irrigated agriculture with pumped groundwater and was annexed to North Kern in 1966 without surface water supplies. However, an irrigation distribution system was constructed to serve all developed lands and, in 1980, the Improvement District was organized with one of the stated objectives being to contract for or otherwise acquire water supplies to be distributed to RRID lands for direction irrigation use or to be used for groundwater replenishment.

While groundwater remains the principal source of water for meeting irrigation demands, this is supplemented with surface water which is purchased from time to time on an as-available basis. The principal source of surface water has been the Kern River during wetter years.




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