
Particularly over the last decade, the District has made significant investments in major capital improvement projects which substantially improve the District’s capabilities to manage and optimize internal and external water supplies. These projects allow for the efficient delivery of both Central Valley Project (CVP) and State Water Project (SWP) water into North Kern.

Current Projects

Continuation of Concrete Lining the Calloway Canal from Olive Dr. to Snow Rd.

This project involves one mile of concrete lining of the Calloway Canal from Olive Drive to Snow Road. Concrete lining the Calloway Canal reduces losses for wet year District operations and allows the efficient delivery of water supplies from the west side of the San Joaquin Valley into North Kern for recharge (and also the possible future conveyance of supplies from North Kern back to the Cross Valley Canal (CVC) and California Aqueduct). This project is part of the Poso Creek Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. The District has obtained several grants from the United States Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources to fund a portion of this project.

Water Delivery Improvements Project

This project involves installation of water meters, groundwater level sensors, water quality sensors, power usage measurement devices and canal water level sensors and the necessary instrumentation and SCADA system to transmit all the data back to the District office. The District has obtained several grants from the Bureau of Reclamation and Department of Water Resources to fund a portion of this project.

Completed Projects

New Turnout from Friant-Kern Canal

This project involved construction of a new 400 cubic feet per second turnout from the Friant-Kern Canal to divert Central Valley Project water and supplies from banking and exchange partners into the Districts 8-1 canal.

Calloway Canal to Lerdo Canal Intertie

This project involved replacement of a portion of the District’s 8-1 canal with a 96-inch diameter pipeline and a 400 cfs pump station to convey District and CVP water to the Lerdo Canal (Lerdo Canal is at an elevation 40’ higher than the pump station). This is facility allows for bi-directional flow.

Expanded interconnections with Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District

This project involved construction of a 125 cfs pipeline interconnection from North Kern’s canal to Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District’s (SWID) lateral pipeline. This project provides the opportunity to deliver either return of a prior year SWID banked water or North Kern’s delivery of off-peak season water for peak season water for energy and supply management purposes.

Cross Valley Canal (CVC) to Calloway Canal Intertie

This project involved construction of a 400 cfs capacity turnout in the Cross Valley Canal (CVC) and construction of about one mile of concrete lined canal (Intertie) that connects to the District’s Calloway Canal to the CVC. The construction of the turnout and Intertie Canal will allow the delivery of State Water Project supply or other banked water supplies from the west side of the San Joaquin Valley into North Kern.

Calloway Canal Lining from CVC Intertie to Olive Drive

This project involved concrete lining about 2.4 miles of the Calloway Canal from the CVC Intertie to Olive Drive. Lining the Calloway Canal reduces losses and allow the efficient delivery of water supplies from the west side of the San Joaquin Valley into North Kern for recharge (and also the possible future conveyance of supplies from North Kern back to CVC and California Aqueduct).


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